If the CEO is not managing risk, don’t invest
Often I ask business leaders “Who manages risk for your business?” The one answer I never hear is “The CEO”. Frequently, I am told that [...]
Are you ready for what’s next?
Covid-19 is impacting everyone. At work, at home, personally and professionally. We’re all in this together. And, it hurts all of us as people start [...]
The upside of risk management
Its easy to read about the downside of risk management. What about the upside? The attribution of a negative outcome to risk can be attributed to Frank [...]
Take Control of the Unexpected
Webinar recorded on May 13 discussing how the Simplified Approach to Risk Management can enable businesses to thrive in the new normal, post-COVID.
What is wrong with the RCSA and what can we do about it?
The Risk Control Self Assessment (RCSA) is one of the “primary tools typically used to assess inherent operational risks and the design and effectiveness of [...]
What is your risk mindset?
Before we answer this: What is mindset and why is it important? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, mindset is a person’s way of thinking and their [...]
Risk Management: The path to competitive advantage
I remember first learning about Michael Porter and sustainable competitive advantage during my MBA (Porter, M. E. The Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. [...]
What you don’t know matters!
You are successful. You are making your targets, the boss is pleased, and performance reviews are good. Everything sounds great. Of course, things go wrong and you [...]
The Chief Risk Officer’s job is to help the team manage their fears
Fear is normal and critical to our survival. Fear tells us that something may harm us, and we need to act. Fear does not magically disappear when [...]